Physcian with stethoscope around neck showing tablet to student with stethosocpe

Teaching auscultation with great acoustics.

The right stethoscope is essential to teaching auscultation.

We recognise the value you put on teaching auscultation to nursing and medical students. Helping future clinicians learn the art of listening with a stethoscope is critical to developing their diagnostic and monitoring skills.

Teaching students how to auscultate starts with a stethoscope that’s easy to use, with acoustics that help them hear accurately. 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscopes are the choice of professionals for the same reasons they are an excellent choice for students — they are well-made, precisely engineered stethoscopes that offer high acoustic sensitivity that clinicians with any level of experience require.

The 3M™ Littmann® Classic III™ Stethoscope and the 3M™ Littmann® Cardiology IV™ Stethoscope are high-quality stethoscopes that support nursing and medical students as they learn. Choosing a stethoscope that will continue to perform for them beyond training is an investment students can make in their education and their future.

Tunable technology can make teaching auscultation easier.

Tunable technology is another feature that make the Classic III stethoscope and the Cardiology IV stethoscope great options for students. This 3M invention lets you hear different frequency sounds without repositioning the chestpiece. By simply adjusting the amount of pressure applied to the chestpiece, students are able to hear different types of sounds — firm pressure for high-frequency sounds, light pressure for low-frequency sounds. With practice, students will learn how to quickly find and distinguish different sounds without repositioning the chestpiece.

Watch a video about tunable technology.

  • Close-up of 3M™ Littmann®  Caridology IV™ Stethoscope chestpiece.
    Tunable technology


  • Illustration of chest with auscultation locations indicated with blue dots.
    Auscultation video


Resources for teaching auscultation.

Take advantage of our classroom resources to communicate key information to your students.

3M, Littmann, the L Littmann logo, the L, Master Cardiology, Master Classic, Classic III and Cardiology IV are marks and/or registered marks of 3M. Unauthorized use prohibited. Eko trademarks are marks and/or registered marks of Eko Devices Inc. Bluetooth is registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle.
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